I wrote this program which can count the number of pizzas ordered.
I can’t find how to return the maximum element of my list (the pizza with maximum orders).
I tried this but it doesn’t work
return order.stream().max(Comparator.comparing(norder::pizza)).get();
public class PizzaCount { private ArrayList<String> order; private String[] menu; public PizzaCount(String[] pizzas) { this.menu = pizzas; this.order = new ArrayList<>(); } public int norder(String pizza) { int number=0; for(String pizzaOrdered : this.order){ if(pizza(pizzaOrdered)){ number++; } } return number; } public String pizzamax() { /*stuck here*/ } public static void main(String[] args) { String [] menu = {"romana", "funghi"}; PizzaCount n = new PizzaCount(menu); n.add("romana"); n.add("romana"); n.add("funghi"); System.out.println("number of romana: "+ n.norder("romana")); System.out.println("number of funghi: "+ n.norder("funghi")); System.out.println("the pizza with the maximum order is: "+ n.pizzamax()); } }
If I understand you correctly, you can try this