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Tag: spring

Continue consuming subsequent records in reactor kafka after deserialization exception

I am using reactor kafka and have a custom AvroDeserializer class for deserialization of messages. Now I have a case where for certain payloads the deserialization class throws an exception. My Kafka listener dies as soon as it tries to read such records. I tried handling this exception using onErrorReturn and using combination of (doOnError and onErrorContinue), however, it helped

Adding @Aspect throws BeanCreationException

I am trying to use AOP in Spring. When I am using old DTD methods in XML, things are working fine. But when I am trying to use AspectJ notations, I am facing some issues. I downloaded the JAR files for aspectj from here. I added them to the build path and the code containing @Aspect annotations compiled successfully. But

Spring Security roles issue

I overrode the method in the SpringWebConfig and I want to give all pages of application only for admins. When I try to open page http://localhost:8080/api/v1/skills/ without any authorization I have a correct result instead of 403. Maybe I’m wrong with my config? Full project Answer Add the following class inside config package
