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Tag: spring

Can’t register Gson TypeAdapter in Spring Boot

I have been trying to add custom serialization of my Version class in RestComponent: Json output I expect: not So I decide to use JsonSerializer and JsonDeserializer interfaces, also tried TypeAdapter. I’ve created a Gson Bean in my MVC configuration class, also tried to create GsonBuilder bean. In application properties I choosen gson as serializator, and removed Jackson dependencies. All

Spring data rest resource inconsistently ‘discovered’ after restart

I’m using Spring Data Rest to expose rest endpoints which i can use in my user interface. However, during testing I noticed that when hitting the base rest url (http://localhost:8080/rest) , the endpoints are inconsistently exposed. I’m using the Annotation based RepositoryDetectionStrategies. I would appreciate some assistance in understanding and resolving the issue. Example: First boot: all endpoints are properly

spring boot REST POST method doesn’t work

I want to get the streamName parameter, which is generated when executing one method in the program where I made HTTPRequest and in response I want to get the generated hex string. I couldn’t find what is missing. This is my code in spring boot: PostResponse class: method on another program where i make a request: results in postman: enter
