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Tag: spring

The dependencies of some of the beans in the application context form a cycle in Spring Batch

I’m working on a simple Spring Batch application, and when I finished configuring it, I found that problem: The dependencies of some of the beans in the application context form a cycle: jobRestController defined in file [/home/yassine/Downloads/demo/target/classes/com/example/demo/JobRestController.class] springBatchConfig defined in file [/home/yassine/Downloads/demo/target/classes/com/example/demo/SpringBatchConfig.class] Action: Relying upon circular references is discouraged and they are prohibited by default. Update your application to remove

Spring Data cosmos @Transactions support

With Azure Cosmos DB transactional batch support available for Cosmos Java SDK 4.7.0, Does Spring Data Cosmos allows transactional operations? I went through Spring Data Cosmos Github Documentation, but didn’t find a reference. Need help if there is a way to implement transaction batch operations via spring cosmos data. If there is no way currently, then what would be the

Executing Spring AOP aspects for annotations aliased with @AliasFor

The idea is to create annotations hierarchy (similar to @Service, @Component etc) using @AliasFor annotation. This should give me the possibility to define aspect, that would execute on parent annotation, and every alias of it. But somehow it doesn’t work for me. @ComponentScan is fine, @EnableAspectJAutoProxy is set. Example: UPDATE: I’ve updated code, as @M.Deinum suggested in a comment below.

Redirect to another page with @RequestBody

I’m struggling with something. i pass JSON data to my controller In my RestController, i handle this information like this saving the JSON elements into the object myRequest. The thing is, having @RequestBody forces me to stay in that JSP, but i want to after processing this information, redirects to another page. Tried with various ways to redirect but the

How to design two seperate authorization/authentication configurations in spring boot?

I want to implement authentication and authorization for spring boot application with this design: First group of endpoints (“/api/**) will have authorization by passing the api-secret-key through requests headers. Authentication should be permitted for all. Second group (/admin/**) will have authentication by hitting the /login endpoint passing username and password where I will have custom UserDetailService. If the authentication is
