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Tag: spring-boot

Property or field ‘id’ cannot be found on object of type ‘java.lang.Boolean’ – maybe not public or not valid?

I am writing a SpringBoot application for an e-commerce website project where I’m creating a form to change the current password of the user account. I am getting the following two errors when the form gets submitted. ERROR-1 ERROR-2 HomeController myprofile.html User Class User Service User Service Implementation } Answer Here you try to access the id field of the

KafkaException: class is not an instance of org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer

I want to implement Kafka producer which sends and receives Java Serialized Objects. I tried this: Producer: } Send object: Consumer: // Receive Object When I deploy the Producer I get error during deployment: Caused by: org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException: class org.engine.plugin.transactions.factory.SaleResponseFactory is not an instance of org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer Custom object import org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer; @Getter @Setter @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor @Builder(toBuilder = true) public class SaleResponseFactory implements

How to not persist sqlSession.selectOne returned value?

My goal is to not persist the SqlSession.selectOne returned value. The problem is, if you do a sqlSession.selectOne (using an API endpoint) and then you edit the database directly for example using the MySQL workbench. After you edit the database and do another API endpoint request, the returned value will not change. This is how you recreate the problem: Do

How to join several validation annotations

I have following annotation to validate password: But spring validation does not recognize this rules. I used this annotation as: How can I get it without defining ConstraintValidator instance? Answer If you want to use ConstraintValidator, you can do it like this: create Password annotation : then create the PasswordConstraintValidator class : Then apply it to one of your fields,

How to Map a JPA create native query to projections

I am trying to get count from a postgreSQL database using Spring Data JPA createNativeQuery. However, the query is returning null instead of the actual values. Here is the JPA createNativeQuery statement below: I need help mapping the “submitted”, “pending” and “totalApplications” instances from my query in a way that returns the result as below. Result expected is: Result am

Vaadin cannot import CSS file

So I’m new to Vaadin and all that stuff and I’m currently trying to integrate a CSS-File to my site. When I try to do this though, I get an error after trying to run the gradle-Project: So obviously the Path to the CSS-File is wrong, but I don’t know where to “start” the path. Somewhere on the internet I’ve

Spring Boot Application Shutting Down as soon as it’s started

I used Spring Initializr to initialize a new project. I further added MySQL Driver, Spring Data JPA, Spring Boot Actuator, and Spring Web as project dependencies. Exporting the .zip file, the only thing I did is, changed the file. When I run the application, it starts and stops immediately. Here’s the response: and my file: My pom.xml file
