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Tag: spring-boot

How to set default values in file?

I have a Springboot project that is deployed in Heroku and connects to MongoDB. The MongoDB URI is set in Heroku as an environment variable, and I access it in my file like this: This works fine when deploying the app in Heroku, but sometimes I want to run the app locally, and if I do that, the app

Vaadin object is not an instance of declaring class

I’m trying to call a method in class named (DataActions) to the dashboard view so the grid can be able to receive the objects given after the method execution, but still no luck solving this error (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: object is not an instance of declaring class). -Class (DataSession) is the class responsible for opening the database session. -Class (DataActions) is the

Spring Boot returns Error 404 even though mapping has been set

I downloaded a Spring Boot project from Spring Initializr. I am trying to call sayHello() method in Here are my code. pom.xml When I run on http://localhost:8080/hello it returns error 404 page. It does not call sayHello() method even though I have set the GET mapping. What could be the issue? Answer The problem is your dependencies, or

Parse a json list into list of object Java

I have a response as follows I want to map this json to a POJO object and have created this class I am currently using this way to read this The size of events is 2 but each event is coming as null instead of a map. Can Someone please help me ? Answer To achieve your goal you have

How do i make use of groupingby in java

I have a movie list from a web service that i need to group using genres attribute from the data. My question is very similar to this groupby ngFor angular2 but in java instead. movie list from the web service looks like this here is what i’m trying to achieve but i cant seems to get it right i’ve tried

Get Value Joined 2 Table with Getter in Spring boot

Trying to get value from 2 joined tables with getter, have 2 models Customer and Address. Address Repository with this query : Try to get with getter : Successfully get data address from table Address, but if get Customer name get null value, any suggestion? Answer Try the following in your @Query definition:

How to return a ManyToOne Bidirectional JPA Entity Object in response of a Spring RestController?

I have 2 entities User and Authority having bidirectional Many-To-One relationship b/w them. But when I send the User object as a response from the RestController, I get nested objects ie. User{Authority{User{Authority{User{Authority{..}}}}}} How can I achieve that the controller must return only? User{Authority{}} Below is my User entity class :- Below is the snippet from my browser: Answer in Authorities
