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Tag: spring-boot

How do I increase the default timeout in the Cassandra Java driver using the DriverConfigLoader?

Small question regarding a Spring Webflux Reactive Cassandra application please. On a setup Spring Boot 2.6.4 with Webflux and reactive Cassandra, I am using the app to insert some data in Cassandra tables. Things works fine, until when there is a higher load, I am seeing an issue (stack trace attached) The thing is, reading some documentation, I thought this

Spring not calling the default constructor

I have made a simple spring boot application: Here I have put @Component annotation on the Student class. So I can get the student object from the application context. But the id and name are not initialized as per the default constructor. What could be the reason for this? Does spring not call the default constructor automatically? If not, how

How to package JavaFX + Spring Boot application via jpackage correctly?

I’m having trouble packaging my project using jpackage by badass jlink plugin. Project contains Spring Boot, which works with JavaFX via FXVeawer. And with Spring Data application works with Database. My build.gradle: Application is packaging, but due to error Caused by: org.springframework.cglib.core.CodeGenerationException: java.lang.IllegalAccessException–>module spring.geodemo does not open spring.geodemo to unnamed module @39cd0bac does not start. I have no idea what

Spring Boot Kafka StreamsConfig or ConsumerConfig from application.yaml not applying

I have a very simple spring boot project with a KTable and I want to customize my configuration in application.yml, but the config seems to not be applied. This is my configuration file application.yml However, when starting the application the log outputs the following: ConsumerConfig: Below is the simple application class I’m using: The values from my application.yml seems to

How to run a Groovy script in my Spring Boot Application?

So I have an existing spring boot app. I want to add a Groovy script (let’s say “HelloWorld.groovy”) to display the message hello world. how can i do this? below is how i want it took like : Answer There are a lot of different ways to do it and there isn’t enough information in the question to know for

JMS, consume a message from a topic only once

I have a requirement to establish a point to point communication with publisher and consumer in my application. What I’m given is a topic. So I should make sure the message in the topic will be consumed only once and only one instance should consume it. (There are multiple instances of the consumer.) I understand message queue is the solution

Bean that could not be found Spring Boot

I have a problem when trying to start my Spring Boot application with tokenization. This is my service class: This is my config class: And I get the following error when I try to run my Application: I dont understand why i get this error. Answer I solved it. The problem was that the package where the config lays was

Application failed after added swagger configuration

I’m using spring boot and I want to add swagger configuration, the problem is after I run the application I get this error: In my class I added this methods: In my pom.xml I added this dependencies: I can’t understand what is wrong, I followed online solution asking me to add @EnableSwagger2WebMv and @EnableSwagger2 but I still get errors. I

SubEthaSMTP Unexpected error in the SMTP handler thread NoClassDefFoundError jakarta/mail/internet/AddressException

SubEthaSMTP server running fine on port 25001. After a successful authentication from my client code to Subethasmtp server i am having this error message org.subethamail.smtp.server.Session: Unexpected error in the SMTP handler thread java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jakarta/mail/internet/AddressException This is my SMTPServerConfig class I am using usernamepasswordvalidator This is my mail client to send message to the server This is the output message This
