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Tag: separator

Read string value including spaces : Java

I need to read space-separated values from a file that is separated by a colon. My file has this data – Current implementation: I am copying all the values after delimiter (colon in my case) to a new file and reading values from the new file accordingly. While copying entries to new file spaces are being ignored. In the above

Java CSV parser with string separator (multi-character)

Is there any Java open source library that supports multi-character (i.e., String with length > 1) separators (delimiters) for CSV? By definition, CSV = Comma-Separated Values data with a single character (‘,’) as the delimiter. However, many other single-character alternatives exist (e.g., tab), making CSV to stand for “Character-Separated Values” data (essentially, DSV: Delimiter-Separated Values data). Main Java open source
