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Tag: java

Sort List of string arrays by first element

I want to sort a list of string arrays by first element in each array element of same list, in reverse order, so 2, 1, 0 Here’s what i tried so far: The problem is that at sorted line i have an error highlighted, saying: “sorted(java.util.List, java.util.Comparator Answer Stream.sorted() takes a comparator (in addition to the overload that takes no

Swagger Codegen basePath is being ignored

I’m trying to generate some web services definitions using Swagger Codegen ยป 2.2.1 All configs are working and the classes are generate correctly by my .yaml definitions. Why the property basePath is being ignored? My @RestController generate using only paths definition: Expected (using basePath and paths definitions): What am I doing wrong? Did I forget something? My .yaml contract: Answer

Obtaining a nested objects using Spring Data R2DBC

I’m new to Project Reactor and R2DBC. How to receive and merge Flux<Child> with Mono<Parent> properly using Spring Data R2DBC reactive repositories? Parent: ParentRepository: Child: ChildRepository: ParentPersistenceAdapter: My solution is: Answer Assuming the existence of a withChildren(Flux<Child> children) type method, you can just do: However, this is a bit odd – you wouldn’t usually have a Flux on a DAO

How to hide the warning “This type of file can harm your computer” while downloading .xml file using Chrome Chromedriver 79 with Selenium Java

Despite setting safebrowsing.enabled to true / false, the warning …This type of file can harm your computer… is still being displayed in browser. How to hide this information? Answer To enable downloading of file using Chrome/ChromeDriver hiding the warning This type of file can harm your computer you need to: Add the preferences: download.default_directory download.prompt_for_download download.extensions_to_open safebrowsing.enabled As well as

What is the role of the temp integer in the bubble sort code

Just wondering what is the role of array[j] = temp; This is the bubble sort sorting algorithm, new to Stack exchange so formatting might not be great Answer Imagine that you have a red ball in your left hand, and a blue ball your right. Now switch the balls … without throwing them in the air. How? Let me lend
