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Tag: java

Why has javax.persistence-api been replaced by jakarta.persistence-api in spring data jpa starter?

I’ve recently started to learn spring boot, data jpa. As I can see from this, the spring boot data jpa starter uses jakarta.persistence-api instead of javax.persistence-api: What is the differences between jakarta.persistence-api and javax.persistence-api? What is the reason of this replacement? Answer From Java Persistence API on Wikipedia: The Java Persistence API (JPA), in 2019 renamed to Jakarta Persistence, is

Code not giving Desired output (Migratory Birds – HackerRank)

The Question is here I have tried out the following code which does not work with a particular test case . The test case is here My code is The array typesofbirds contains the different type of birds id order wise The array noofbirds contains the no of birds corresponding to each bird type order wise maximumbirdsindex contains

How to annotate array of objects response in Swagger

I have to debug a REST API Java project that has been developed using Swagger.I’m new to it, so I’m a little bit confused on how to do certain things. For example, here’s one method: The @ApiResponse for the code 200 is not of type LocationResponse but of type ArrayList<LocationResponse>, as it can return more than one location. What would

Not currently allowed to connect to camera “1”

ANDROID Caused by java.lang.SecurityException: validateClientPermissionsLocked:1102: Callers from device user 0 are not currently allowed to connect to camera “1” Camera permission is granted. It is runned by a FOREGROUND SERVICE. Works on most devices, but there are few Android 9, Huawei, Motorola and Xiaomi devices that is not working on. On this link: Line 1031 explains: “Only allow clients

Flink Avro Serialization shows “not serializable” error when working with GenericRecords

I’m really having a hard time making Flink to communicate properly with a running Kafka instance making use of an Avro schema from the Confluent Schema Registry (for both key and value). After a while of thinking and restructuring my programm, I was able to push my implementation so far: Producer Method However, when I execute the Job, it
