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Tag: java

how recursive function works level by level?

I have trouble on understating how recursion works, I have been struggling this for a while! Could anyone can help me with this? I’d really appreciate that, and here is the code for instance: when we pass 3 into the function, the output will be: Since the recursion call is between two printings, I guess the way how it works

Are Java classes in Spring automatically a @Bean?

If I create some classes, can I automatically @Autowire those classes somewhere else without using the @Bean, @Component, @Service? Or if I want to @Autowire a class somewhere else, do I need to use the annotations described before? I want to @Autowire a class to another that uses the @Configuration and @ComponentScan annotation For example: or to achieve this.. Answer

AbstractMethodError when creating JdkHttpServer for JAX-RS

I’m trying to create a Java server for a REST API and following this question I used jersey’s JdkHttpServer. I imported the necessary jars (from here), but when I start the server the following error appears: My code is the following: And in PokerResource I’ve got all the paths for the API. Am I missing some import or do I

Understanding Number of StreamProcessor instances created and do stream task share same streamprocessor instance?

I want to understand a little more details on the relationship between StreamThread, StreamTask and how many instances of StreamProcessor is created when we have: a source kafka topic with multiple partitions , say 6. I am keeping only ONE StreamThread ( I am keeping a simple processor topology: source_topic –> Processor1 –> Processor2 –> Processo3 –> sink_topic Each processor

react + spring boot upload file and form data

i have a case like in my form (front end), i can fill personal data (name, address, DOB) and then i can attach multiple image. In my spring boot controller : My model wrapper : Front end (React) Code : With above example, i always encounter errors. like : Stream closed and zero attachment length / zero attachment size
