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Tag: java

GSON – trim string during deserialization from JSON

I have a JSON string that is parsed using the GSON library into a Map like so: The problem I have is, my JSON attribute values have trailing/leading whitespaces that needs to be trimmed. Ideally, I want this to be done when the data is parsed to the Map using GSON. Is something like this possible? Answer You need to

In my implementation I want to have different return type of the method

I have the following problem. I have the interface: I have two implementations: and What I want to do is to change the code and the return type of TimeParser so that it returns the result of type Map<String, List <LocalTime>. I have read that in order to have a different type I need to have a sub-class of the

Problem with texture not showing in screen. OpenGL ES

I am newbie in opengl es 2 programming, I was trying to load a texture in png format in my test application. I used PNGDecoder to do this, but just the black rectangle and the line are show in the screen. What is wrong? Renderer: Fragment Shader: Vertex Shader: Square2D (is used to store vertex positions): Answer glVertexAttribPointer can be

openjdk-8-jdk – missing

Below is the required info – To query the installed binaries, i tried below – On looking in to the jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 directory, I see the link for is broken Now how do i get the sources, i think i can get them manually – is this the only option I am left with?? Answer assuming you are running Ubuntu

Specific JDK in eclipse.ini for Eclipse IDE version 2020-09 use JDK 15, not default JDK what declared in system environment variable

Eclipse 2020-09, Error: I must set Java environment to JDK 1.8 for Gradle work correctly in some case. File eclipse.ini but Eclipse still not start. My JDKs in my PC: How to declare JDK 15 to eclipse.ini ? Answer -vm and C:Program FilesJavajdk-15binjavaw.exe have to be two lines directly before the line -vmargs, not after that line (see Eclipse wiki:

FreeMarker configuration conflict (Spring Boot)

I have a FreeMarker configuration: And dependencies from build.gradle: It works okay. But when I set following dependency in build.gradle: implementation ‘org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-rest’ I’ll get an error: Seems like spring-data-rest provides configured FreeMarker too and conflict happens. @Primary and @Qualifier don’t work. What can I do? [UPDATE] Tried to add exclude to my main class: Now application can start, but FreeMarker
