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Tag: java

Spigot API playSound

So I’m trying to create a minecraft plugin using the spigot api and i’m having lots of fun! I’m trying to make a /play command that plays a music disc to the player. I’ve come across a problem with trying to play the music to the player. I’m using this: player.playSound(player.getLocation(), Sound.MUSIC_DISC_PIGSTEP, 500.0f, 1.0f); this works great, but for some

How to deal wiith querydsl multiple schema have same table name?

Simply I faced a problem when trying to access query DSL with multiple schemas, I added multiple schemas as below and my table name pattern is suppose both schemas have DEF table then when I compile maven project it gives me the below error. Failed to execute goal com.querydsl:querydsl-maven-plugin:4.2.1:export (default) on project TestProject: Execution default of goal com.querydsl:querydsl-maven-plugin:4.2.1:export failed: Attempted

How to convert an array of map into a map in JAVA8?

Right now I have How to use JAVA8 stream to convert it into Update: Sorry I was being unclear. The map_array contains two maps, and each map has two entries with the first one being key as “k”, value as “k1” and second entry being key as “v” and value as “v1”. Now I’m trying to merge them into one

Configuring Jetty 9.2 to allow symlinks through XML file

My setup is a bit complicated, as I use JRuby with Warbler which uses Jetty 9.2.9 underneath. Now, the docs for enabling symlinks in Jetty tell you to add this to WEB-INF/jetty-web.xml: However, as far as I can tell from searching through XML files on GitHub which use AllowSymLinkAliasChecker, this snippet has to be used within a <Configure id=”wac” class=”org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext”>
