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Tag: java

How to write or mock interface methods available in jar?

Having Method like in above method helperCommands is a interface in my Jar file that contains getDisplayConfirmation() method my question is how can i mock this method i check below link but no help Unit testing of Jar methods in java i’m using below dependency is it mendatory to use powerMockRunner ? or above code is enough to write junit?

Jpa unidirectional relation in the parent entity

I want to make unidirectional relation in the parent entity, Child entities have FK from the parent entity. The Name table has FK from the person table. But I just want to define the relation in person entity only. I used @JoinColumn for mapping and set name as id from the person table In the next example, I have one

How to ensure Stage opens as a window and not a tab?

New stages traditionally opened as new windows.Then MacOS came around and introduced this in (System Preferences -> General): Now all my new JavaFX stages are all opening as new tabs on top of the first opened stage. If I change the system setting, stages once again open as windows. But I prefer to leave the system setting on “always” because

Export google CrUX data

I am trying to move a subset of the CrUX data to .csv file(s) for analysis with tools not available on google search console. I tried to export one or more .csv file from a query like so to a google cloud storage bucket (or any other place really): I have tried two different approaches: A. export query results to

How to check if two LocalTimes are in the same day?

From my UI I’m passing two LocalTime values; from time and to time. Both times are LocalTime HH:mm formatted. Now I need to check whether these times are in the same day. For an example if someone passes fromTime – 18:00 and toTime – 10:00, I need throw an exception. I need to check whether both times are in same
