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DBUnit: NoSuchColumnException Non-uppercase input column in ColumnNameToIndexes cache map. map’s column names are NOT case sensitive

My java application stores your information in MySql database version 8. The user information and password are stored in this database. I am implementing an integration test to test the method that validates the user in the database using dbunit. After the test method runs, the error below occurs. I checked through MySql Workbench that both the table and the

Java ProcessBuilder: How to suppress output instead of redirecting it

I’m using a ProcessBuilder to execute commands and redirect the output. I now want to add the possibility to have no output at all. Of course I could redirect into a file, but this would leave unnecessary files on the users system. I am looking for a solution that works on all platforms, including Windows (e.g. not redirecting to /dev/null)

Checking connection to MySQL (Java)

I’m working on creating my little-utility for MySQL, and I need some help. How I can check connection to MySQL (by login and password), like it was realised in phpMyAdmin, without pointing some database at first. Because most of solutions for work with databases need exactly that pointing. Thanks in advance) Answer Yes. You can connect to the server without

AWS Java SDK for service to service Oauth client credentential flow authentication with Cognito user pool?

Situation: I have java background process service running that needs to access a secured REST API endpoint. The API endpoint an AWS lambda function running behind Amazon API Gateway, using the Serverless framework. It is secured with a Amazon Cognito User Pool Authorizer. I have created an App Client for my Java background service, which is attached to the user

Spring Cloud Gateway for composite API calls?

I am starting to build a Microservice API Gateway, and I am considering Spring Cloud to help me with the routing. But some calls to the Gateway API will need multiple requests to different services. Lets say I have 2 services: Order Details Service and Delivery Service. I want to have a Gateway endpoint GET /orders/{orderId} that makes a call
