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Regular expression in Java for parsing money

I’m looking for are regex for parsing money amounts. The String s10 should not match. Can someone help, or can someone simplify the regex? That’s my try: Answer I think you may use See the regex demo Details (?<![d,.]) – no digit, . or , allowed immediately on the left (?:d{1,3}(?:(?=([.,]))(?:1d{3})*)?|d+) – d{1,3}(?:(?=([.,]))(?:1d{3})*)? – one, two or three digits followed

Apache spark and scala, error while executing queries

I am working with a dataset whose sample is as follows: I have executed the following commands successfully: I am getting following error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error while encoding: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.Character is not a valid external type for schema of string I am getting the same error when executing any query against the data. Can you please have a look and provide

Why click on optionsMenu item doesn’t work?

I have a problem when clicking on an item from an options menu. I’ve read how to create a menu on the website and I seem to do it right, but it still doesn’t work. The menu exists, it is visible, but nothing happens when I perform the click. Also, there are no errors in the Logcat. The XML

Incompatible types : Int cannot be converted to “class” data type

I’m trying to insert value to a List using loop for, but this list data type is a class which have constructor in it. Here is my code : And the error message on line edge.add(x,y) it says : Incompatible data types : int cannot be converted to Edge Here is the Edge Class : What should i change? Thank

Add delay to a loop in android without stalling the UI Thread

I have been looking all over the Android Studio Docs and StackOverflow, but I can not seem to find a way to do the equivalent of what is done in IOS here: Adding Delay In A For Loop Without Blocking UI in Android. I have tried to use a Handler, but instead of running the code like: The code seems

Getting error to import Spring boot parent into Pom.xml

I am trying to create a sample Spring-Boot project using maven but when i imported into Eclipse. I am getting an error in Pom.xml about spring-boot parent but when i run mvn command from terminal. It works fine. Also, in main class, it does not recognize org.springframework.* I am getting an error which says that My Pom.xml looks like this
