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jooq query for sql query with analytical function

i have sql query like i need to write in jOOQ, any help. I tried the below Also,is there any way to avoid listing all columns in select. Instead of Something like Answer A derived table can be constructed like this: Also, is there any way to avoid listing all columns in select You’re looking for Table.asterisk() to produce the

RSocket retrieveFlux() with Kotlin

I am trying to write a client for my server (both in Kotlin and using Spring Reactive Web). I encountered this problem while trying to use the RSocket. How can I get a Flux using RSocket? Answer You need to get reference of Class. You can use either or Int::class depending whether you need java Class or KClass reference

What is TAG in log.d(TAG, message)?

I want to log a Catch exception in the log cat but i don’t know the tags of log.d. Can someone help me? in all examples is see this log.d(TAG, message) but I don’t know what goes in this TAG, please help me. I tried this for example log.d(Error, “Error: ” + e) but it didn’t work. I searched on

How to check recyclerview is empty or not using dataSnapshot.hasChildren()

I am using firebasedatabase to show my data into recyclerview. I want to show simple toast when my recyclerview is empty and i am using dataSnapshot.hasChildren() for checking the database haschildren or not. here is code when data is available the dataSnapshot.hasChildren() giving true value but when no data available else condition is not working Answer you can use dataSnapshot.getChildrenCount()

Java: How got check colors from an invisible panel

is it possible to read colors of you mouse position of an invisible panel? I want to have an “invisible overlay” with an color coded image. I used the Robot class to get my mouse position and the color. It works fine on my visible image, but if I set the image to invisible, it completely gets ignored. Is there

For loop is printing out multiple print statements

I’m making a program for class which prints out the number of vowels in a word and any help would be appreciated. Currently, the program prints out the correct number of vowels but also prints out the print statement, “vowels:” multiple times before. I’ve tried moving the print statement and the braces around but it says “error: ‘else if’ without
