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Java Top-Down Merge Sort – Stackoverflow Error

I am trying to implement the top-down merge sort algorithm in Java, using the pseudocode from Wikipedia. My problem is that my code sometimes throws a StackOverflowError, but not always. I have checked that my code matches the pseudocode several times and cannot find what is wrong with it. Here is my Java code: Answer Your algorithm encounters issues when

Debugging COM interface mapping in JNA

After mapping Vss.h and several others headers to Java/JNA (see this question) I am trying to run some of the COM object methods and have a problem debugging them. I do not know if I am calling the correct method or one with similar parameters. Some of the error codes I find in the JNA documentation here, but it does

Why is @Validated required for validating Spring controller request parameters?

With the following validation setup in an annotated MVC controller: @Validated on the controller is required for the method parameter since it’s not a “complex” object. In comparison, the @Valid annotation on the setOther method works without the @Validated annotation. Why is @Validated required? Why not enable it by default? Is there a cost to its use? edit Note that

How can I remove this java exception error in my code?

When I input a string into the code below by mistake as a test, I get a red java error message in my console. However, within my if statement I added an else part which should end the program if the user doesn’t input the if statement condition i.e a number between 0-100. Why this is and how can I

How to avoid java.lang.NullPointerException in my Code?

I have asked a question about my code for a Game of Life Implementation. The suggested solution solved my problem but created a new one. Now if I try to call the getCell() method I get a java.lang.NullPointerException. How can I avoid this exception? Link to my previous question with the corresponding code and solution code that I used: How

How to properly filter Spring REST data

I have a Spring Data REST service with a single @Entity and Repository. When I run $ curl localhost:8080/api I get all the data stored in my repository and it works as expected. I also have a small React front end and I display that data there. My question is: Where should I filter the data? For example maybe I

JavaFX: How to overwrite button action in custom Dialog

I work on desktop application based on JDK 8 and JavaFX. I created custom dialog class with 2 buttons(finish and cancel). My goal is to return the list of strings added in dialog (after clicking finish button, dialog returns list. Cancel makes return empty list). I have problem, beacause function showAndWait return type of button which I clicked (‘ButtonType.FINISH’ or

Can we use semicolon independently at the beginning of a for-loop?

What is the meaning of this type of syntax in the for-loop? Answer A for statement is composed of 3 parts for(statement A; statement B; statement C): Statement A is the initializer statement. It is executed only one time. Usually, you create your variables you want to use in the for loop Statement B is the stop condition. It is
