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How to install JavaFX on Windows 10 Eclipse?

I was trying some instructions I found on the internet, but they are too old to be of use now with the latest Eclipse IDE release. The code I am trying to run: Error: Unable to initialize main class javafxbasics.ShowFlowPane in module JavaFXproject Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Stage Answer Finally found a video how to do that: How to Set Up

Java paint line in existing JPanel with components

I’ve been searching for a few hours, including at other questions on stack such as. I need simplest way to draw a line in java in AWT panel but couldn’t find my answer. I have a panel gridbaglayout with multiple dynamically generated components. The class extends JFrame and thus can’t extends JPanel as in the question above. After all the

Create differents arraylist in one line

I am a beginner in Java and I was working on ArrayList. On a project I have a list of students . I want to create an Array list for each of these students. It’s easy when you know exactly the number of students. But in that case we are not able to know the number exactly. I have made

Eliminating a search element in an array

The java program prompts the user to input a number to search for and prints a message: “Found [search key]” if the number exists in the array elements, then print the remaining data on the …

printing TypedQuery in console

How to sysout the TypedQuery in eclipse console. Am trying with .toString() and its not working Please find my java code below. Answer You need to enable logging for the the following categories: So a log4j configuration could look like: The first is equivalent to hibernate.show_sql=true legacy property, the second prints the bound parameters among other things. Another solution (non

How do I use the file from classpath?

I need help getting a file from a file to use it. The file is specified in the -cp option when running jar through the console. run the jar using: java -cp myjar.jar:dir1/dir2/myfile.txt….
