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Sorround highlighted word with symbol Android Studio

If I have a word highlighted in android studio, is there any shortcut to surround that word with symbols e.g quotation marks or brackets? E.G From John to “John” or Mary to (Mary) Am aware of only Ctrl + Alt + T which surrounds the word with some functions and expressions from the options. Answer It’s a configuration that should

How to store curve to database

I would like to ask how to store curve to DB. Curve object is represented by an array of points. I have two options: 1) create two tables one for curve one for points it would look something like …

How to Map a JPA create native query to projections

I am trying to get count from a postgreSQL database using Spring Data JPA createNativeQuery. However, the query is returning null instead of the actual values. Here is the JPA createNativeQuery statement below: I need help mapping the “submitted”, “pending” and “totalApplications” instances from my query in a way that returns the result as below. Result expected is: Result am

Issue with Spark Big Query Connector with Java

Getting Below issue with the Spark Big Query connector in Dataproc cluster with below configuraton. Image: 1.5.21-debian10 Spark Version: 2.4.7 Scala Version: 2.12.10 This is working fine from local but failing when I deploy this in dataproc cluster.Can someone suggest some pointers for this issue? pom.xml: Here is the sample Code: Answer Can you please replace the Spark BigQuery connector

jOOQ JSON query results in ORA-00979

I’m trying to execute this query to an Oracle 19c database: But I get Does jOOQs JSON feature not work with Oracle? Answer This isn’t related to your JSON usage. The same thing would have happened if you removed all of it and wrote this query instead: Your query would work in MySQL, PostgreSQL or standard SQL, where you can

Is there any get body tag method for WebElement class in Selenium Java?

I’ve been trying to get body of pages within HTML source. I’ve been trying it with WebElement Class. I can’t access invisibilityOfAllElements method or let me say it throws error. I’ve written code like that: waitbody is object of WebDriverWait Class that I’ve defined. Eclipse highlights underline of invisibilityOfAllElements. Is there any idea to solve this? Thank you. Answer invisibilityOfAllElements()

Spring Rest Template Injects Value into Parameter with %

Can someone please explain to me what is happening in the following code? If I run: Spring tells me that the URL used is where username = user%25123 even though I set the username = user%123. This is looking to me to be not a Spring issue, rather a URL encoding issue, but can anyone tell me where this
