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Correct usage for using loading cache with a ?

I have a cache of String, Boolean.: My usage pattern is: I am trying to change this so that it uses the alternative get method that takes a loader function get(K key, Callable<? extends V> loader), to avoid the possibility that two threads both call myCache.get(“some-key”) == null and both enter the if block. I am not sure if below

Is there anyway to convert json to java bean through mybatis mapper?

In case I have a mysql join query result set, it is in json format, like this: and the mybatis mapper I can’t access this mysql instance directly, I can only export query result in json format through some “proxy platform”, is there anyway convert the json to org.example.mybatis.dto.User through the existing mybatis mapper easily? PS: I tried to use

Kotlin App open activity 2 with button CRASH

so this is the error in the logcat however when i try to declare “CreateNoteFragment” in the manifest only the .MainActivity & .SplashScreen appear and does not let me declare the .CreateNoteFragment my CreateNoteFragment also references “BaseFragment” activity as such below error. my button click code is in .MainActivity the only place it wont break and here is the code

How to call @RestControllerAdvice class from a unit test in the Service layer of a REST web service in java?

I have a REST webservice application. I am handling exceptions by exception handler using the annotation @ExceptionHandler and @RestControllerAdvice. My exceptions are thrown in the Service layer. Now I am writing unit tests for the service layer. I am checking the exceptions using Assert.assertThrows. The exception is thrown, and the test passes. However, the exception handler method is not called

Getting the SQL Server Connection Exception

I am getting below connection exception, when trying to connect to SQL Server using JDBC. Can someone please help, with this issue? I am using sqljdbc4.jar file to connect to SQL Server Code is as below This is the exception. Nov 14, 2020 8:33:01 PM enableSSL INFO: path: /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_261-amd64/jre/lib/security Security providers: [SUN version 1.8, SunRsaSign version 1.8, SunEC
