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Create and use database function with JPA

I want to create and immediatly use a database function in a single sql call. As an example, the following works fine in PostgreSQL SQL Editor : But when i try to use it with JPA : I get the following error : How could i make this work ? Answer You’re trying to execute two queries at once. You

How to properly unwrap an optional in Java?

I am learning the basics of Java and I am exploring Optionals and abstract classes so I came across the following issue, I have this code I was expecting to see the prints on the console “It is a Dog” followed by 2 “It is not a Dog” Since I’m using the method .isPresent() on optionals, But I got 1

Generic getDefaultInstance() for java protobuf

I’m trying to write a static util function that takes in a protobuf object and determine if it’s a default instance, something along the line of: Would like for it to be able to apply to a range of protobuf objects like Struct / Types / Messages, however getDefaultInstance() appears to only get defined in the child classes. I’m thinking

How to create a dictionary in java [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question Can i get some help on creating a dictionary in java? I tried
