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Calling a method in a method [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question I have to implement a method (Factory-method) called createFromCelsius, where i can create new Objects with the specific Temperature unit (celsius, kelvin…). I also created

How to make equal two char arrays by adding ‘0’? Java

I got some problem. I have two char arrays (for ex. char[] number1 = {‘1′,’1′,’1′,’1’}, and char[] number2 {‘2′,’2’}). And now I want to return array with same length what number1 is, but in indexes …

isInterrupted() still returns “false” even after the Thread.State is “TERMINATED” in Java’s Thread – why?

When thread gets terminated (Thread.State.TERMINATED) it is still not interrupted. Why? I found this, and I found this, but neither answers my question.I have tried this out on OpenJDK 11 and Oracle JDK 16 – no difference, same result. I have been working with Java for more than 10 years now, and multithreading tasks have always been clear to me;

Why does this Java code trigger a ConcurrentModificationException?

In the first line of the loop I get the error, but I don’t see why. From what I read this should happen only if I’m iterating over a collection and trying to modify it at the same time, but this is not the case. In the code, list is of type ArrayList<Product>. This is the stacktrace: Answer subList does

Forge 1.12.2 Coremodding: java.lang.ClassCircularityError

I try to make a coremod on 1.12.2 Forge in order to patch some missing stuff in the Lost Cities mod. (Source: A friend and I have written this The original code we want to patch (Bytecode Outline): The Bytecode Outline containing our fix: The Stacktrace we get: What we tried: We tried to get the building using

Finishing an Activity with transition shows the previous Activity from the activity stack first and then transitions to the new Activity

I have 2 Activities in my Android application – Activity A and Activity B. When the user presses a button on Activity A, he is navigated to Activity B. I want Activity A to close after going to the next activity and is completely removed from the activity stack. I tried adding intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); , but this not work
