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How to flatten dynamic yaml file using java

I want to parse dynamic yaml files using java into HashMap and access them using dot syntax (i.e “a.b.d”) Given the following example.yml: And can fetch it as Any idea How we can achieve this? Answer As Thorbjørn said in a comment, a HashMap is probably not the correct data structure for representing a YAML file. You should try looking

Implementing List interface for CustomList in Java

I need to create a custom list that adds elements in pairs. I copied a similar implementation and adjusted it as needed, but unfortunately, it doesn’t work. And I have this for testing my code so far. The problem is that when I call add method the size of the list increases by 2 as it should, but nothing is

Spring kstreams cannot get processor to work – The class ‘[B’ is not in the trusted packages

Full code: So I have a producer (data-ingest), processor (external-message-processor), and consumer (internal-message-processor (This will become a processor later once I get things working, so apologies for the naming at the moment, but it is a consumer)). The data-ingest works from what I can tell as it sends messages to the topic external_messages. The external-message-processor attempts to read from

How is compiler inferring type on a generic method?

I have a Storage class: There are two classes where class Child extends Parent: Parent Child Driver class: Because Storage is a generic class, the operations on its method makes sense; I get how case 1 is working. In case 2, with above signature of max in GenericTest, I get the compilation error: The method max(List<T>) in the type GenericTest

How to use findAny() to find a spesific value in a 2D Array

I have a 2D array as follows I’m asking the user to give a number. Let’s say he gives 20. So, I want to code to compare that value with the seatsPrices array iteratively and find any i,j indexes of the seatsPrices array which its values is 20, and print it. I should probably use findAny() but I cannot figure
