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Populating inner table inside another table with Thymeleaf

I have DTO class: With getters, setters and toString for every field. I’m creating this table for shift schedule calendar: My Thymeleaf: The idea behind this: generates row for parent table, for each date. That works fine. Inside every row, in a cell I have second table that should show list of employees who works on that date in

How do I make my code work with Generics?

I am currently learning about Generics, first I made the Class which makes a stackArrayList with Integers, after that I wanted it to be used by every Number so I did put the Number in everywhere in …

How to print List of String array array using lambda in Java [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question This is my code: How to print the List that contains String array

How to Sort Array and populate it

so I NEED to sort this array by column and populate it bu user input. so this is my code and if you can help me it would be great.. so I NEED to sort this array by column and populate it bu user input. so this is my code and if you can help me it would be great..

Problem in running application with Vaadin and Spring (MySQL DB)

I am trying to connect a Vaadin project to a MySQL database following the instructions I found here: I downloaded the ready project in the article (also available here: I, then, created the dummy data schema in MySQL Workbench and tried to run the application via the Windows 10 Command line like this: mvn clean install -U /*all
