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Java Generics Function Return Declaration

I am new to Java generics and have managed to get a getKeyByValue function working with a HashMap, but I don’t understand how the function declaration can be ambiguous/redundant …

How to downgrade JDK?

Currently my Java version is 17. Neo4j requires me to install Java 11 or OpenJDK 11, or else it will give the error java.lang.IllegalAccessException: module java.base does not open java.nio to unnamed module @1817d444. I guess I need to downgrade to JDK 11. Java Platform, Standard Edition 11 Reference Implementations is the only place I can get JDK 11. However

endpoint for authentication with spring security

I wanna create custom endpoint for login. It works fine when password and username are correct but returns 200 and login form instead 401 for incorrect data. public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter { private final UserDetailsService userDetailsService; } Answer Try something like that: Don’t forget to Autowire AuthenticationManager and other services!

Java Swing Application Window – Second Form showing empty

The first class or JFrame that displays just fine And now my second class.. I’m sorry I’m a complete noob, when I run the debugger it looks like Options Menu is constructing correctly, but then it just displays as the minimize, full screen and exit button and nothing else. It will also run perfectly fine independently if I run it
