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Connecting to ES with Spring Data Elasticsearch (reactive) gives error host not reachable

I’m running on an aws-elasticsearch (with OpenSearch 1.1.x) service and im trying to connect with it from a spring application using spring-data-elasticsearch, according to the doc i configured the bean as it says. on my local i used a ssh tunnel from my aws account. i used this command: so i can connect with OpenSearch dashboard over localhost in my

Java, my own copy() method would not work

I am learning java and came upon a small problem, my copy() method will not work. I work based on a UML diagram and I am pretty sure that I’m doing everything correctly. Here is the code: Constructor: copy() method: The error flashes at the parantheses FileName() it says: ‘FileName(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)’ in ‘Exam_Practice_4.FileName’ cannot be applied to ‘()’ Here is

Checking if an object exists in a list Java Stream

I have 2 entity. One of them User, and the other one is Followers. I’m trying to make a follower system like Twitter. User can follow another user but, i want to check if user followed, don’t do it again. This is my Follower Entity : And this is the Service class : As you can see, I got the

Using set and get methods in java

In my programming class, the teacher said we have to implement a class and use get methods but did not mention set methods in the description. Are they always used or should be used together? This is what I’ve written so far: Answer No, setters are not needed at all when implementing immutable classes/objects: Don’t provide “setter” methods — methods

Building a Recursive Data Structure with Spring WebFlux

I have a REST API that is built with the Spring WebFlux framework, and I have an endpoint which returns a Flux<ChannelResponse>, where ChannelResponse is a tree-structured object, as shown below: Now, I don’t have much experience with the reactive programming paradigm, but this is how I would implement such an endpoint with synchronous logic, such that each top-level channel

needing help understanding this array method call [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question I just learned recently arrays. This exercise calls to return an average. I am trying to figure out how to
