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Eclipse Content Assist is Appending Class Name to Variable Suggestions

Content Assist in Eclipse Juno is appending the Class name of variables to suggestions. For example, if I start to type: and hit Return, Eclipse changes this to: I don’t know if this is specific to Juno or if I accidentally turned this ‘feature’ on, but it is really annoying. Any idea how to get rid of this? Answer I

Print Web page on 4 inch printer from mobile

I am developing a mobile web application. On the form when the user press Print button I need to print the page on a 4 inch printer. My question is how can I connect to the printer from the mobile web browser(may be using bluetooth, USB). My application will be running on all type of smart phones(Andriod , IOS, Windows,

How do I print the content of httprequest request?

I’ve got a bug involving httprequest, which happens sometimes, so I’d like to log HttpGet and HttpPost request’s content when that happens. So, let’s say, I create HttpGet like this: This is the string representation that I’d like to get: With the post request, I’d also like to get the content string. What is the easiest way to do it

JSP / JSTL causes NoClassDefFound error for TagSupport

This problem has been driving me mad for several weeks now and I suspect that the resolution, once I find it, will be simple. I have looked at every relevant answer I can find in StackOverflow but haven’t managed to resolve it, so I am hopeful that someone will be able to help me. I have re-created the problem in

Scanner needs/is requesting input twice

I’m just writing a small program that receives input from the user then prints it back to them. However, when I run the program it asks for input twice (it prints the initial statement, then once you type and press enter, nothing happens, but if you do it again it works and prints.) The top value apparently has no weight

How to sort an array of objects in Java?

My array does not contain any string. But its contains object references. Every object reference returns name, id, author and publisher by toString method. Now I need to sort that array of objects by the name. I know how to sort, but I do not know how to extract the name from the objects and sort them. Answer You have

Invalid operation for read only resultset: updateString

Following is my code(Re-constructed) which select & update STATUS field depending upon the conditions. (Using Servlets, Oracle as Backend and JDBC driver) I am getting the error while updating: Any suggestions will be appreciated. Update 1: The same code was working when select statement was selecting data from single table, so is there any issue when selecting data from two
